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Historical Moments and Movements in Ukrainian Art and Film: From Medieval to Contemporary Webinar


This two-part public forum explores the historical development of Ukraine’s identity manifested in art and fim. Russia’s invasion in Ukraine on February 22, 2022 has upended the international law, challenged the rights of existence of a sovereign state, and brought a humanitarian crisis. Our goal in this public forum is to offer the documentary film-maker Sergei Loznitsa and scholars of Ukrainian art to present their work and voice their position against Russia’s war.

Session 2
April 15, 2022, at 21:30 CET, 3:30 ET, 12:30 PDT (new time)
Register (Zoom):…
Three art historians will lead the second session and present their research on the art of
Ukraine painted in broad terms from medieval to contemporary

Olenka Pevny, Cambridge University
The Cultural Heritage of Medieval Kyiv and the Making of Ukraine

Bohdan Tokarsky, University of Potsdam
The Unexecuted Renaissance: Modernist Culture from Ukraine

Alisa Lozhina, curator
Artist as a Revolutionary Agent. Visual Practices and Radical Sociohistorical Transformations in Ukraine: 1991-2022

Daria Chrystyna Storoshchuk, PhD candidate, Stanford University
Liliya Dashevski, PhD candidate,Yale University

Sponsors: Yale University, Department of the History of Art, Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies REEES, Stanford University, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, CREEES Department of Art & Art History

Nicola Suthor, Yale University
Bissera Pentcheva, Stanford University
Molly Brunson, Yale University