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Ligia Fabris Campos

Senior Lecturer, Latin American Studies

Ligia Fabris is currently taking up the position of Senior Lecturer at the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies (CLAIS) at Yale University's MacMillan Center for the Fall of 2024. 

She serves as an Assistant Professor at the Law School of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV Direito Rio) in Rio de Janeiro, where has been teaching since 2006 and was responsible for the creation of the Diversity and Inclusion Program at FGV Direito Rio (currently on leave). Her academic interests mainly comprise Gender and Law, Feminist Legal Theory, Feminist Theories of the State, Gender Studies, Women's Political Representation, Gender-Based Political Violence.

Since 2022 she has been a fellow of the research group “Varieties of Constitutionalism” at Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin, Germany) and São Paulo State University (USP, Brazil) and was a fellow at the research group “Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights” at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) of the University of Bielefeld, Germany (2020-2021).

As a co-founder member of the Rio de Janeiro State Forum for More Women in Politics, Fabris actively collaborates with a network of scholars, activists, lawyers and politicians to mobilize and inform about women’s political rights, as well as strategize to increase women's participation in politics. She has been a researcher at the National Observatory of Women in Politics of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil since its foundation in 2021 and a member of the Experts Working Group on Women in Politics from UN Women Brazil. Ligia Fabris strategically litigated before the Supreme Court in the decision that guaranteed the right to campaign funding for women candidates in 2018.