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Media Releases - 2006

November 28, 2006. Global Citizenship Initiative at The MacMillan Center Awarded Hewlett Grant

October 26, 2006. Pulitzer Prize Winner Samantha Power to Speak at The MacMillan Center. Real Media video clip.

October 24, 2006. Nobel Prize Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei Will Speak at Yale

September 21, 2006. The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale Announces Director’s Award Recipients

September 20, 2006. Gilder Lehrman Center at Yale Announces Winner of Douglass Book Prize

August 24, 2006. Yale University to Host International Conference on Euroatlantic Integrations and Southeastern Europe

June 19, 2006. Yale Offers International Studies Training to Educators

May 17, 2006. Keller Easterling Awarded Gustav Ranis International Book Prize by The MacMillan Center

May 9, 2006. Julia Adams Awarded Gaddis Smith International Book Prize by The MacMillan Center

April 27, 2006. Yale Center for International and Area Studies Receives New Name: The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale

April 4, 2006. Deepa Mehta’s Water Screened at Yale University

April 4, 2006. Yale to Host International Conference on U.S. Democracy Promotion Policies in Latin America

March 9, 2006. Afghani Activist for Women’s Rights Will Speak at Yale. Women’s rights advocate Malalai Joya. Real Media video clip.

March 7, 2006. Author and Historian John Lukacs Gives the George Herbert Walker, Jr. Lecture. Real Media video clip.

February 16, 2006. Preserving the History of the Independence Struggle of Colonial India at Yale University

January 25, 2006. Nicholas Kristof, Columnist at The New York Times, to Speak at Yale Center for International and Area Studies. Real Media video clip.

January 17, 2006. Chris Patten To Lecture at The Yale Center for International and Area Studies