What Might Post-Brexit Reconciliation Look Like: Global Perspectives
Event description:
The Yale Program in European Union Studies presents “What Might Post-Brexit Reconciliation Look Like: Global Perspectives”
Featuring the Following Panelists: Nizam Uddin, 2019 World Fellow
David Cameron, Professor of Political Science, Yale
Bonnie Weir, Ph.D, Lecture in Political Science, Yale
Meredith Shephard, Ph.D, Postdoctoral Associate at the Council on African Studies, MacMillan Center, Yale
Andrea Aldrich, Ph.D: Lecturer in Political Science, Yale University
The second of a two-part discussion series on Brexit, this event will explore how a country so deeply divided on political and social lines might begin to exploration post-Brexit. The pioneering event will bring together global perspective of societies and nations that have experienced divisions (former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland), and what steps they have since taken to bring people and institutions back together, and how the United Kingdom (and other nations) might learn from their experiences.
Light Lunch Provided