Andrei Semenov
Andrei Semenov is a political scientist focusing on contentious, electoral, and party politics in contemporary Russia. His research interests encompass public protests, electoral performance of opposition, and civic engagement with the public affairs. His articles appeared in Social Movement Studies, East European Politics, and Demokratizatsiya journals. Currently, Andrei Semenov is a principal investigator of the “Contentious Politics in Russia” project that seeks to uncover contextual factors of collective mobilization in Russia. The primary outcome of the project is a database that comprises public protest events across Russian regions. Other research projects tackle the issues of civic participation in urban development, ethnic regional autonomies, political consequences of economic crisis, and integrity of subnational elections.
Andrei Semenov holds a specialist degree in political science from Tyumen State University (2006) and candidate of science degree in politics from Perm State University (2010). He served as a chair of the International Relations department at TSU, then research fellow and director of the Center for Comparative History and Politics at PSU. Andrei Semenov also taught courses on contentious politics at the University of Tampere (Finland) and European University at Saint-Petersburg (Russia). He has been a visiting fellow at the Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (Uppsala University, Sweden), Center for East European Studies (University of Bremen, Germany), and Department of Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). His research has been supported by Harvard University, Volkswagen Foundation, Russian Scientific Foundation, Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, and Russian Scientific Foundation for Humanities.