Hugh Flick

Hugh Meredith Flick, Jr. (A.B. ’68; A.M.’81; M.Ed. ’76; M.B.A. ’03; J.D.’95; Ph.D. [Sanskrit and Indian Studies] ‘81) is currently a Lecturer in Religious Studies and South Asian Studies at Yale. He served as the Dean of Silliman College for twenty-six years from 1988 until 2014. Before joining the Yale Faculty in 1988, Dr. Flick was an Assistant Professor of Folklore and Mythology at Harvard University where he taught with Professor Albert Lord. He is a US Navy veteran and has traveled extensively throughout Mexico, Latin America, India, Asia, and Africa. He has served as the Faculty Lecturer on a Yale Alumni Association tour of India; as the Study Leader on a Harvard Alumni Tour of Mystical India, as the Lecturer on a Smithsonian Institution tour of Legendary Peru, and as a Professor on the University of Virginia’s 2015 Spring Semester at Sea.