Julia Cani
Julia Wand Del-Rey Cani is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law at the University of Sao Paulo. Her research focuses on latest decision-making practices that seek to overcome inconsistencies within different models of judicial review. In particular, interests her the distinction between “thesis” and “case” as different focal points for each decision, which enables a broader scope of the constitutional adjudication process. Through a comparative analysis of the decision-making process of the United States Supreme Court, the objective is approaching a possible institutional change. Julia obtained the Master’s Degree in Law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where she also taught Legal Theory and the Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. In 2020, she became a member of the research cluster Constitution, Politics & Institutions at the University of Sao Paulo. Previously, she worked as a Research Assistant analyzing decisions of the Brazilian Supreme Court.