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Mourad Boumlik

‘23 MA

Mourad hails from Morocco and completed his undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College, where he earned an AB in Romance Studies, with a focus on Italian Studies. He received the Pagani Memorial Prize in French & Italian Studies and the Paganucci Prize in Italian Studies. His undergraduate culminating paper explored the intersection of architecture and politics in Italy under fascism. Mourad has gained extensive teaching and research experience at both Dartmouth and Yale. He has served as a Teaching Assistant and Teaching Fellow in a variety of courses in French, Italian, Comparative Literature, and Film Studies. This year, he has taught an intermediate French language course as an acting instructor. He completed his master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Jill Jarvis in Postcolonial French literature. Outside of academic endeavors, Mourad has gained professional experience as an Innovation & Intrapreneurship Intern at KosovaLive in Pristina, Kosovo, where he planned, organized, and led design-thinking workshops with local NGOs, design students, and civil society leaders. He also served as a student program assistant at Dartmouth’s Rockefeller Center for Public Policy. Finally, at Yale, Mourad has served as a representative at the Graduate Student Assembly and as a senator for the humanities at the Graduate and Professional Student Senate. He is thrilled to be named a Fox Fellow.