Rafal Wnuk
Associate Research Scholar

Rafał Wnuk (1967), Full Professor, Catholic University of Lublin
Polish historian, specializing in the history of the anti-German and anti-Soviet resistance in the Central Europe during and after WWII, the history of totalitarian systems, museology and politics of memory.
Author of a few books, in it: Za pierwszego Sowieta. Polska konspiracja na Kresach Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej (wrzesień 1939-czerwiec 1941) (Under the first Soviet: Polish underground in the Second Republic’s Eastern territories (September 1939-June 1941) (2007); Wojna po wojnie. Antysowieckie podziemie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 1944-1953, (A War after the War. The anti-Soviet Underground in East Central Europe in 1944-53) (2012), co-authors: Grzegorz Motyka, Tomasz Stryjek, Adam F. Baran; Leśni Bracia. Podziemie antykomunistyczne na Litwie. Łotwie i w Estonii. 1944-1956 (Forest Brothers. Anti-Communist underground in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 1944-1956) (2018).
Rafał Wnuk was the editor-in-chief of Atlas polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego 1944-1956 (Atlas of the Polish pro-independence underground, 1944-1956) (2007) and editor-in-chief of the semi-annual publication of the Institute of National Remembrance Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość. (Remembrance and Justice) (2002-2009). He is the author of numerous scientific articles, curator of historical exhibitions and the author of many educational programmes.