"Green pathways out of poverty" panel discussion
Since the 1970s and even before, the goals of environmental protection and economic development were seen as incongruent with each other. However, the climate crisis of today and its impact on the most vulnerable populations and nations has renewed the interest in this debate and causes us to ponder the very definition of economic development. Are these goals truly incompatible? Are there synergies that can be mobilized?
The dialogue on ‘Green Pathways out of Poverty,’ examined this question and featured historian and anthropologist Julie Livingston, author of Self-Devouring Growth: A Planetary Parable as Told from Southern Africa, in conversation with Yale faculty, Sunil Amrith and Rohini Pande, together with Rory Stewart, Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute.
The virtual panel conversation, which took place March 2, 2021, was part of the Yale Development Dialogues: Economic Policy Lessons from History. It was co-sponsored by the Yale Economic Growth Center, the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and the South Asian Studies Council at the MacMillan Center and was moderated by Catherine Cheney ’10.
Read more about the event on the Yale Daily News site here or watch a video recording of the event here.