Through the generous support of benefactors, visiting scholars from all over the world are invited to the Yale Center for International and Area Studies to conduct research, teach courses, and interact with students, staff and faculty. YCIAS, in conjunction with its various Councils, Departments, and Programs, is proud to host the following visiting scholars during the 2004-05 academic year:
Teferi Abate
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Research interest: Political culture and development intervention in Northeast Ethiopia
Nelson Acosta Espinosa
Visiting Fellow
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies (fall 2002)
Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Carabobo, Venezuela
Research interest: History and political culture in Venezuela
Payam Akhavan
Visiting Fellow, Genocide Studies Program
Research interest: Prevention and punishment of genocide
Jonathan Amith
Visiting Research Affiliate
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies
Research interest: Nahualt Language Project
Emelia Arthur
Visiting Fellow, African Studies Council, (spring 2003)
Deputy General Secretary and National Education Secretary, National Reform Party, Ghana
Research interest: West African responses to globalization
Aleida Assmann
Visiting Professor
European Studies Council and Department of History (spring 2003)
University of Konstanz, Germany
Research interest: English literature and Egyptology
Jan Assmann
Visiting Professor
European Studies Council and Department of History (spring 2003)
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Research interest: Ancient Egyptian literature and religion, Egyptian funerary beliefs and practices, cultural theory
Robert Barsky
Canadian Bicentennial Professor
Canadian Studies Committee and Department of Comparative Literature (fall 2002)
Visiting Fellow, Canadian Studies Committee (spring 2003)
Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Teaching: ”Multiculturalism and Immigrant Literatures in Canada and Quebec: Crossing Borders but Never Leaving”, “Comparative Canadian-European Migratory Cultures and the ‘American Dream’”, and “Cold War Quests for the Key to Human Language: From Rational Physics to Beat Poets”
Martin Benjamin
Visiting Fellow
Council on African Studies
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Wesleyan University, Connecticut
Research interest: Kamusi - Swahili Living Dictionary Project
Raymundo Campos-Vazquez
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Economics, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico
Research interest: Fiscal reform in Mexico and indirect tax reform
Metin Cosgel
Visiting Fellow
Council on European Studies
Associate Professor, Economics, University of Connecticut, Connecticut
Research interest: Economic history of Southeastern Europe under the Ottoman Empire during the 15th and 16th centuries
Alexandra Delano
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
International Relations, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico
Research interest: Bilateral cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. and migration
Kana Dower
African Studies Council and Department of Anthropology (spring 2003)
Teaching: ”Cultural Approaches to Education in Africa”
Peter Field
Visiting Fellow
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition (November 2002- May 2003)
Senior Lecturer, History, University of Canterbury, Christ Church, New Zealand
Research interest: intellectuals, the public lecture and slavery
Enrique Florescano
Andrew Mellon Visiting Professor of History and Latin Studies
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, (fall 2002)
National Coordinator of Historical Projects, National Council of Culture & Arts, Mexico
Teaching: Latin American history
Patricia Foxen
Visiting Fellow
Committee on Canadian Studies
Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Canada
Research interest: Impact of immigration policies on the mental health of Latin and Central American refugees and asylum seekers in Canada and the U.S.
Shin-ichi Fukuda
Visiting Professor
Council on East Asian Studies and Economics Department (fall 2002)
Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Teaching: ”Economic Development of Japan”
Research interest: Economic development of Japan, international relations and international development economics
Thornike Gordadze
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Comparative Studies, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France
Research interest: State formation in post-Soviet Caucasus
Igor Grigorash
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
History, Moscow State University, Russia
Research interest: U.S., Russia and European integration
Rebecca Hardin
Visiting Fellow
Council on African Studies
Research interest: Sangha River Network
Gregg Herken
Visiting Professor, International Affairs Council, Department of Political Science, (spring 2003)
Historian and Curator, Smithsonian Institution, and Professor, Department of History, University of California, Merced
Teaching: ”Space, Intelligence and National Security”
Charles Hill
International Affairs Council and the Department of Political Science
Teaching: ”International Ideas and Institutions”
Kalu Kalu
Research Affiliate
Council on African Studies
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Emporia State University, Kansas
Research interest: Civil-military relations and democratization in Africa, ECOWAS, citizenship and political authority
David Kang
Coca-Cola World Fund Visiting Professor
Yale Center for International and Area Studies and Department of Political Science (spring 2003)
Government Department and Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Teaching: ”Crony capitalism and development in Asia”
Research interest: Comparative political economy, East Asian politics, the new institutional economics
Anastasia Karakasidou
Visiting Associate Professor
Council on European, Studies, Hellenic Studies and Department of Anthropology (fall 2002)
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Wellesley College, Massachusetts
Teaching: ”Cultures, Histories and Passions in South East Europe”
Research interest: Nationhood and ethnic identity, religion and ideology, politics and social stratification, the Balkans
Paul Karpuk
Visiting Fellow
Council on European Studies
Professor, Department of English, Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut
Research interest: Gogol and Dostoevsky
Christina Katsougiannopoulou Ewald
Council on European Studies, Hellenic Studies and Department of Anthropology (spring 2003)
Teaching: ”Birth, Baptism, Marriage and Death: Aspects of Byzantine and Modern Greek Private Life”
Jaechun Kim
International Affairs Council and Department of Political Science
Teaching: ”Democracy, War and Peace ” and “Society and War”
Research interest: International relations theory, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S. intelligence
Minsoo Kim
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies Area Studies, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Research interest: Korean-U.S.-Japan relations after World War II
Michael Kral
Canadian Studies Committee and Department of Anthropology (fall 2002)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Windsor, Canada
Teaching: ”Inuit Past and Present”
Research interest: Cultural psychology, suicide, kinship and colonialism
Carlos Lozano
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Public Administration, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico
Research interest: Democracy and XXth century Mexico
Hanyin Lu
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
World Economy Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Research interest: Global economic structure
Carola Maggiulli
Visiting Fellow
Council on European Studies, European Union Studies Program
Principal Administrator, Coordination of Tax Matters unit, Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium
Research interest: Tax coordination, economic policies of the EU
Marion Marmorat
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies (fall 2002)
Political Science, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France
Research interest: Cooperative experiments in the Danubian basin
Jennifer Martinez
International Affairs Council and Political Science Department (fall 2002)
Visiting Scholar and Senior Research Fellow, Yale Law School
Teaching: International Human Rights
Stormy-Annika Mildner
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Economics, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Research interest: Export-credit insurance in Germany and the U.S
David Milne
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Modern History, Cambridge University, Great Britain
Research interest: Walt Rostow and the shaping of U.S. foreign policy
Hirokazu Miyazaki
Postdoctoral Associate
East Asian Studies Council and Department of Anthropology
Research interest: Japanese derivatives traders
Octovianus Mote
Genocide Studies Program
Journalist and Human Rights Worker, Papua, New Guinea
Research interest: Human rights in Papua, New Guinea
Matthew Nelson
Singh Visiting Lecturer in South Asian Studies
South Asian Studies Council and Department of Political Science
Teaching: ”Politics in South Asia”, “Ethnic Politics and National Identity in South Asia” and “Economic Development and Property Rights in South Asia”
Research interest: South Asia, individual and collective property rights, economic development, democratic participation
Alexander Nikulin
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
The Centre for Peasant and Rural Studies, The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Russia
Research interest: The Russian village under post-Soviet patrimonialism, institutional conservatism
Slobodan Novak
European Studies Council and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Teaching: ”Southern Slavic languages and literatures”
Abena Oduro
Visiting Associate Professor
African Studies Council and Department of Economics (spring 2003)
Core Fellow, Centre for Policy Analysis, Ghana
Teaching: ”Africa and economic development”
Hiroko Ogawa
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Advanced Social & International Studies, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Research interest: U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1970’s
Troy Paddock
Visiting Fellow
Council on European Studies
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut
Research interest: German cultural and intellectual history in the imperial and Weimar periods
Tanalis Padilla
Visiting Fellow
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies
Assistant Professor, Department of Latin American History, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Research interest: Jaramillista Movement in Mexico
Donna Perry
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Department of Anthropology, Western Oregon University, Oregon
Research interest: Senegalese black markets in the age of neoliberalism
Alonso Perez-Kakabadse
Visiting Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies, (spring 2003)
Vice-Minister of the Economy, Ministry of the Economy and Finance, Ecuador
Research interest: Macroeconomic policy recommendations and super-fixed exchange regimes in South America
Patricia Pinho Chagas
Rice Family Foundation Visiting Assistant Professor
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies
Assistant Professor, Faculdade Integrada da Bahia, Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciencias, Brazil
Teaching: ”Introduction to African Brazilian Culture”
Vyjayanthi Rao
Postdoctoral Associate
Global Cities Initiative, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Illinois
Research interest: Anthropology of South Asia, development, megacities, technological change, and cultural contestation
Guadalupe Rodriguez Gomez
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social, Mexico
Research interest: culture, power, and the making of Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée in neoliberal, globalized Mexico
Daniel Rothberg
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Michigan
Research interest: America’s farmworkers and genocide in Guatemala
Jan Ruger
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Modern History, Cambridge University, Great Britain
Research interest: Anglo-German antagonism
Michael Salman
Visiting Fellow
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California at Los Angeles, California
Research interest: Translocal genealogies of slavery, race, nation and area studies
Maryam Sanjabi
Post-doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Council on European Studies
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois
Research interest: French literature
Carl Saxer
Postdoctoral Associate
East Asian Studies Council and Department of Political Science
Teaching: ”Development and Democracy in East Asia” and “Introduction to Korean Politics”
Research interest: Modern Korean politics and history, international relations in East Asia
Jan Schulte
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Economics, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Research interest: Equivalence scales and international comparison of family welfare
Jiwon Shin
Postdoctoral Associate
East Asian Studies Council and the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Teaching: ”Location and Dislocation in Modern Korean Literature”
Research interest: Korean literature, interrelation between modern literature and geographical thinking
Ajantha Subramanina
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Massachussetts
Research interest: Politics of development in southern India
James Sutterlin
International Affairs Council and Department of Political Science
Teaching: ”The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security”
Huimin Tang
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Law, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Research interest: Case law in China and the US
John Taylor
Visiting Fellow
Genocide Studies Program (spring 2003)
Professor, Department of Politics, South Bank University, London, Great Britain
Research interest: Human rights in East Timor
James Tweedie
Visiting Fellow
Yale Center for International and Area Studies and Crossing Borders Initiative
English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Research interest: Contemporary European cinema
Irina Vavochkina
Fox International Fellow, Yale Center for International and Area Studies
History, Moscow State University, Russia
Research interest: Lobbying activities in the U.S.
Thierry Vissol
European Union Fellow
European Studies Council and European Union Studies Program (academic year), Lecturer, Department of Economics (spring 2003)
Head of Unit, “Financial Services, Euro”, Directorate General Health and Consumer Policy, European Commission, Bruxelles, Belgium
Teaching: ”EU monetary union”
Research interest: History of economic facts and theories, social and cultural history, monetary psychology, poverty
Melissa Wender
Postdoctoral Associate
East Asian Studies Council and the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Assistant Professor, Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages and Literatures, Bates College, Maine
Teaching: ”Gender and Ethnicity across Japan, Korea, and the United States”
Research interest: Literature and grassroots movements of Koreans in Japan
Eileen Walsh
Postdoctoral Associate
East Asian Studies Council and the Department of Anthropology
Teaching: ”Ethno-Tourism and the Making of Desire in East Asia”
Research interest: China, Mosuo ethnic minority, ethno-tourism, nationalism, identity, modernity and gender transformation
Harry West
Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Agrarian Studies
Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research, New York
Research interest: Sorcery and Mozambican democracy
Albert Yee
Visiting Fellow
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition (November 2002)
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Georgia State University, Georgia
Research interest: Variations on views of Africans and the relationship of such views to attitudes toward slavery
Laura Yerekesheva
Visiting Fellow
Yale Center for International and Area Studies and Department of Political Science
Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, Kazakhstan
Research interest: Caspian-Central Asian security and Kazakhstan
*Ore Yusuf
African Studies Council and African Languages Program
Associate Professor, Linguistics and Yoruba, University of Illorin, Nigeria
Teaching: elementary, intermediate, and advanced Yoruba language and culture
Research interest: Yoruba dictionary projects, Yoruba linguistics
*New language faculty on term appointment.