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Visiting Scholars Academic Year 2014-2015

Through the generous support of benefactors, visiting scholars from all over the world are invited to The MacMillan Center to conduct research, teach courses, and interact with students, staff and faculty. The Center, in conjunction with its various Councils, Departments, and Programs, is proud to host the following visiting scholars for 2014-2015:

The MacMillan Center Visiting Professors, Visiting Fellows
Graeme Auld
Canadian Bicentennial Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science
Associate Professor, Carleton University
Research Interest: Environmental policy, natural resource policy, private governance, global environmental governance
Teaching: Governing Resources: Canada’s Changing Domestic and International Practices;  Movements, Markets and Resources
Jemima Anderson
Henry Hart Rice Family Foundation Visiting Professor
Senior Lecturer, Department of English, University of Ghana, Legon.
Research Interests: Codifying Ghanaian English; and Language and Migration in Ghana.
Teaching: English as a World Language (Fall 2014); Sociolinguistics (Spring 2015)
Sarah Brinegar
Henry Hart Rice Family Foundation Fellow and Lecturer
Research Interest: History of the Soviet Union
Teaching: Two undergrad courses for History and Russian and European Studies
Robert Darko Osei
Coca-Cola World Fund Visiting Professor of African Studies and Economics
Senior Research Fellow and Head of Economics Division, University of Ghana
Research Interest: Innovative approaches to economic and social development in Africa.
Teaching: African Development (Spring 2015- MA level course)
Michael Reed-Hurtado
Coca-Cola World Fund Faculty Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies (fall 2014)
Consultant, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Research Interests: Perpetration patterns of gross violations of human rights; Public policy and human rights; Justice; Security; Victim’s rights.
Teaching: Fall 2014 TBD
Post-Doctoral Associates and Lecturers
Rachel Silbermann
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer, Political Science
Research Interest: Madison and Machiavelli
Teaching: Course on Machiavelli (Spring 2014)

Council on African Studies Visiting Professors, Visiting Fellows
Hiroyuki Hino
Visiting Professor, Kobe University
Research interest: Labor economics and African development
Teaching: Africa’s Economic Transformation (Fall 2014); African Development (Spring 2015)
Post Doctoral Associates and Lecturers
Veronica Waweru
Lecturer in African Studies
Research Interest: Cultural Anthropology
Teaching: Intermediate Swahili (Fall 2014 and Spring 2015); TBD (Spring 2015)

Council on East Asian Studies Visiting Professors, Visiting Fellows
Congrong He
Visiting Fellow
Research Interest: Collaborative work between Yale University and Tsinghua University on the origin, mechanism and modern-day significance of architectural regionality and religious architecture in Jincheng, Shanxi Province, including the exploration of religious life in traditional villages and architectural and cultural preservation methodology.
Waka Hirokawa
Visiting Research Scholar
Research Interest: “Rethinking the Relationship between Poverty, Social Status and Disease in Modern Japan’s Regional Communities”
Timon Screech
Visiting Research Scholar
Research Interest: “The Cargo of the ‘New Year’s Gift’: Art and the East India Company 1599-1617”
Post Doctoral Associates and Lecturers
Kazumi Hasegawa
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research: Colonial relations between the Japanese and the Ainu from the Meiji to the shōwa period in relation to the construction of modern Japanese identity.
Teaching: Discourse of Civilization in Meiji Japan (Spring 2015)
Seunghan Paek
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: contemporary architecture and urbanism in Asia, exploring how mega-scale urban and architectural projects undertaken by international corporations and governments in Asia are mobilized to construct new kinds of public space, in which urban identities are produced through the entanglement of indigenous local cultures, design ideas proposed by foreign architects, and multiple scales of architectural intervention and mediation.
Teaching: Seoul: Spaces of the Everyday (Fall 2014)
Jonathan Schlesinger
Post Doc Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: The nexus of empire, environment, and market that defined Qing China in 1750-1850, when unprecedented commercial expansion and a rush for natural resources transformed the ecology of China and its borderlands.
Teaching: History and China’s Environment (Fall 2014)
Bin Xu
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Lecturer
Research Interest: Collective memory of historical events in contemporary Chinese history and China’s “educated youth” (zhiqing) generation.
Teaching: Collective Memories in East Asia and Beyond (Spring 2015)
Council on European Studies Post Doctoral Associates and Lecturers
Sarah Kinkel
Lewis Walpole Post-Doctoral Associate
Research: Eighteenth Century Studies
Nicholas Wilson
British Studies Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Teaching: The Historical Sociology of Knowledge (Fall 2014); Political Sociology (Spring 2015)
Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies Visiting Professors, Visiting Fellows
Mariela Fuentes Leal
Visiting Fellow
Research Interest: A cognitive approach to reading and teaching the Latin American short story.
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Juan Pablo Dominguez Fernandez
Post-doctoral Fellow, Spring 2015
Research Interest: The Ideal of Religious Toleration and the Hispanic American Independence Movements (1789-1833).
Council on Middle East Studies Visiting Professors and Fellows
Rania Al-Jazairi
Visiting Fellow
First Social Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Research Interest: Transitional Justice in Syria: the Role and Contribution of Syrian Refugees to the Establishment of Truth Commissions.
Marco DeMichelis
Visiting Fellow
Research Fellow in Islamic Studies and History of Middle East, Catholic University of Milan.
Research Interest: Study on the doctrine of Universal Salvation within the debates among Mu’tazilites and Maturidite authors
Yasmine Farouk
Visiting Fellow
Assistant Professor, Economics and Political Science
Cairo University
Research Interest: The analysis of the foreign policy making process and outcome of Arab states, the autocratic nature of the regimes, and the structure of regional international relations.
Hania Sholkamy
Carnegie Centennial Scholar and Junior Fellow
Associate Professor, Social Research Center at American University in Cairo
Research Interest: Fields of health, particularly reproductive health, gender, population and qualitative methods
Post-Doctoral Associates
Eric van Lit
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer in Middle East and Islamic Studies
Research Interest: Islamic theology and the continuation of the falsafa tradition within kalam literature
Teaching: Sufism and Ethics in the Works of al-Ghazali (Spring 2015)
Council on South Asian Studies Post-Doctoral Associate
Katherine Hardy
Malathy Singh Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: Bjojpuri cinema, linguistic ideology, migration and economic development in Bihar, North India.
Teaching: Understanding Bollywood (TBD); South Asian Social Worlds (TBD)
Jackson Institute for Global Affairs Senior Fellows
Ambassador Johnnie Carson
Kissinger Senior Fellow, Johnson Center for the Study of American Diplomacy
Teaching: Seminars on contemporary African issues
Howard Dean
Former Governor of Vermont
Teaching: Seminar of the politics of foreign policy
Unni Karunakara
Former International President of Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Teaching: Gateway to Global Affairs module; seminar on complex humanitarian emergencies
Richard Levin
Chief Executive Officer of Coursera; Frederick William Beinecke Professor of Economics Emeritus and Director of the US-China Relations at Yale.
Teaching: Guest lecturing selected course on economic policy, as well as on China
Clare Lockhart
Director and Co-Founder of the Institute for State Effectiveness (ISE)
Teaching: Graduate seminar
Jake Sullivan
Oscar M. Ruebhausen Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in National Security at Yale Law School
Teaching: Seminars on U.S. foreign policy
Agrarian Studies Visiting Professors and Fellows
Guntra Aistara
Visiting Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy
Doctoral Program Director, Central European University- Budapest, Hungary
Research Project: Struggles for Organic Sovereignty: Making Places between Diversity and Conventionalization in Latvia and Costa Rica
Julie Gibbings
Visiting Assistant Professor
Research Project: Visions of True Peace: History and Modernity in the Formation of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala 1865-1960
Jose Martinez-Reyes
Visiting Fellow
Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology and School for the Environment
Coordinator, Environmental Anthropology Minor University of Massachusetts
Research Interest: Global Wood EcoPolitics: Between the Maya Forest, Fiji, and the Gibson Les Paul
Post-doctoral Associates and Fellows
Alba Diaz Gaeda
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Research Interest: Change in common: Economic, social and cultural changes in rural Galicia during Francoism and the political Transition (1959-1982).
Jennifer Johnson
Post-Doctoral Associate
Research Interest: Littoral politics and vernacular fisheries practices to retheorize
received wisdoms about gender, identity, marginality, and sustainability in the African Great Lakes Region.
Program on Global Justice Post-Doctoral Associate
Jiewuh Song
Research Interest: Moral, political, and legal philosophy, especially in cross-national contexts

Program on Order, Conflict and Violence Visiting Fellows
Ryan Griffiths
Lecturer, Department of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney
Research Interest: The study of democratic solutions for secessionist pressures.
Post-graduate Associate
Adam Baczko
Post-Graduate Associate- EHESS
Research Interest:  Civil War and State Formation in the Contemporary World
Fox International Fellows  in residence at The MacMillan Center
For the full list of Fox Fellows to Yale and from Yale to Partner Institutions, please go to
From Freie University, Germany
Kai Olaf Striebinger
Research Interest: Wrestling for Democracy? How and under which conditions does the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) contribute to legitimate authority in member states?        
From University of Cambridge, England
Louisa Cantwell
Research Interest: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Chiefship in the Kgatleng, 1870-2013  
Gregor Donaldson        
Research Interest: Using and producing political knowledge in the early Cold War     
From University of Cape Town, South Africa
Gabrielle Kelly
Research Interest: Welfare, disability and state: A comparative perspective on the South African disability grant  
From Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Inshah Malik         
Research Interest: Political Struggles, Agency and Muslim Women: A study of three resistance movements in Kashmir
From Fudan University, Shanghai
Xiajuan Chen         
Research Interest: Multi-stakeholders and the Rule Making of Global Environmental Politics: the Study of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Cong Peng
Research Interest: The Formation and Evolution of Service Center: Reflection of Location Choice of Professional Producer Service Firms  
From Bogaziçi University, Istanbul
Sevecen Tunc-Guney
Research Interest: Sport and Mega Event Politics in the Globalized World of the 21st Century          
Antonio Pompa Rangel
Bayesian Estimation of the Mexican Central Bank’s Preferences    
El Colegio de Mexico
From El Colegio de México, Mexico
Esteban Salmon Perrilliat
Research Interest: Going local. How does community organization foster responsiveness in municipal policy? An ethnographic approach.
From Moscow State University, Russia
Alexandra Kozlova      
Research Interest: Managing the Restructuring of Problem Companies
Dmitriy Shimanko
Research Interest: Comparative Analysis of Venture Capital Industry in Russia and the US  
From Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France
Victor Louzon     
Research Interest: The Last Battle fo the Sino-Japanese War? The 228 Revolt in Taiwan     
From the University of São Paulo, Brazil
Alberto Barbosa Junior          
Research Interest: Is there a causal link between mergers and monopsony power in labor markets?       
From the University of Tel Aviv, Israel
Gilad  Abiri
Research Interest: The Role of Law at Times of Moral Panic
Sagy Elster         
Research Interest: Deepening Democracy: The Socio-Economic Outcomes of Participatory Budgeting     
From University of Ghana, Ghana
Mabel Oti-Boadi  
Research Interest: Examination of the Relationship between Africentric worldview and Psychological wellbeing among Primary Caregivers of children with intellectual disability in Ghana    
Reuben Tete Larbi           
Research Interest: Climate Change and Schistosomiasis transmission in three endemic communities in Ghana: investigating the effect of risk perceptions          

Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition Visiting Scholar
Rebecca Prichard
Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking Fellow and Lecturer
Lecturer in Theater Studies, Essex University
Research Interest: Carnevale, a play mixing slavery in 18th Century Venice and modern trafficking
Teaching: Representations of global human trafficking and enslavement (Spring 2015)
Visiting Fellows
Vitor Izecksohn
Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Research Topic: Comparative Historical analysis of the impact of the American Civil War (1861-75) and the Paraguayan War (1864-70)
Ashutosh Kumar
Assistant Professor, Delhi University
Research Topic: The migration of indentured workers from India during the 19th Century
Yuko Miki
Assistant Professor, Fordham University
Research Topic: Brazilian Atlantic: Slavery and Freedom in the Age of Abolition
Christine Whyte
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bayreuth University
Research Topic: Anti-slavery, child labour and the family home in 19th Century Sierra Leone.
Elizabeth Wright
Associate Professor, University of Georgia
Research Topic: African writer and educator Juan Latino in Spain
Post-Doctoral Associates
Oscar de la Torre (Fall 2014)
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina- Charlotte
Research: Slaves and maroons use of the eco-social characteristics of Amazonia to build a political identity in the early twentieth century
Michael LeMahieu (Spring 2015)
Associate Professor, Clemson University
Research: Civil War, Civil Rights: Genres of Memory in American Literature after 1954
Leitner Program for International and Comparative Political Economics Visiting Professors
Milan Svolik
Visiting Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interest: Politics of authoritarian regimes, democratic transitions and consolidation.
Teaching: The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes (Fall 2014)
Bonnie Weir
Visiting Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interest: “The Politics of Paramilitaries”
Teaching: Political Violence (Fall 2014); Terrorism (Spring 2015)
Yale Center for the Study of Representative Institutions (YCRI) Post-doctoral Associates and Fellows
Yiftah Elazar
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: The Invention of Self-government: Richard Price and His Critics on Liberty and the Power of the People
Teaching: The Invention of Modern Democracy (Fall 2014); The Contested Idea of Liberty (Spring 2015)
Matthew Lockwood
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: America’s history and founding principles
Teaching: Crime, Violence and Order in the British Atlantic, 1620-1800 (Fall 2014); Immigration and Migration in the Atlantic World, 1620-1850 (Spring 2015)
Ariel Ron
Post-Doctoral Associate and Lecturer
Research Interest: Creativity, Innovation and Free Institutions: Science, Law and Enterprise in the Making of the American Commercial Republic.
Teaching: What is a Nation-State? (Fall 2014); Governing the Early American Economy (Spring 2015)