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“Some Forms of Religious Liberty: Political Thinking, Ecclesiology and Freedom in Early Modern England,” J.A.I Champion, (Royal Holloway College)
“Print, Censorship, and Religious Conflict, 1643-5,” David Como (Stanford University). Appendix (please note: large file containing images 900kb)
“Toleration and the Tradition of Civil Religion,” Jeffrey Collins (Queen’s University)
“Lust and Liberty,” Faramerz Dabhoiwala (Oxford University)
“Milton and Sir Henry Vane,” Martin Dzelzainis (Royal Holloway College)
“Adam Smith and the Socialized Conscience,” Fonna Forman-Barzilai (University of California, San Diego)
“Religion and Representation in Hobbes,” Bryan Garsten (Yale University)
“The Dissenters and Toleration: The Impact of Locke,” Mark Goldie (Cambridge University)
“’A Difference in Opinion is Inevitable’: Franklin, Hemphill, and Modern Toleration,” Alan Houston (University of California, San Diego)
“Gender, Civil Liberties, and Economic Justice: The Case of the Royal Navy,” Margaret R. Hunt (Amherst College)
“The Lowest Degree of Freedom: The Right to Petition 1640-1800,” Mark Knights (University of Warwick)
“‘Bondage in Babylon’: The Bible, Freedom of Conscience, and Ideas of Civil Liberty in England, c. 1640- c. 1750,” Scott Mandelbrote (Cambridge University)
“Milton, Marvell and Rational Liberty,” Nicholas von Maltzahn (University of Ottawa)
“London’s Liberties,” John Marshall (Johns Hopkins University)
“Civil And Religious Liberty In Restoration England,” Michael McKeon (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)
“Dissent, Candour, and Conversation: Watts, Godwin, and Hazlitt,” Jon Mee (University of Warwick)
“Religious Liberty in the Tolerationist Writings of English Royalists,” Anthony Milton (University of Sheffield)
“Religious Liberty and Civil Peace: The Socinian Vision,” Sarah Mortimer (Cambridge University)
“Hebrew Theocracy and the Rise of Toleration,” Eric Nelson (Harvard University)
“Scofflaw Pamphlets of the Long Parliament,” Annabel Patterson (Yale University)
“1688 and its Eighteenth Century Whig Interpreters: The Unmaking of a Revolution,” Steve Pincus (Yale University)
“Liberty, Angels, and Devils in Paradise Lost,” David Quint (Yale University)
“The End of Radical Enlightenment: From the Heterodoxy of Radicati to the Unbelief of Hume,” John Robertson (Oxford University)
“From Person to Individual: Milton and the Political Philosophy Of Antitrinitarianism in Mid-Seventeenth-Century England,” John Rogers (Yale University)
“‘Sins of the fathers’: Religious Dissent and the Burdens of History in Eighteenth-Century England,” John Seed (Roehampton University London)
“Socinianism and the Crisis of Whig Divinity, 1687-1697,” Brent S. Sirota (North Carolina State University)
“ ‘A Plausible Style’: Wit, Religion, and Liberty in Restoration England,” John Spurr (Swansea University)
“The Garden and The Wilderness: John Milton and the Separation of Church and State,” Elliott Visconsi (Yale University)
“The Politics of National Security after the Revolution of 1688,” Rachel Weil (Cornell University)
“Milton and Liberty,” Blair Worden (Royal Holloway College)
“History and Liberty in the Republic of Ideas: John Jortin and the Uses of Ecclesiastical History,” Brian Young, (Oxford University)