Ukraine’s Place in the Global World

Event time: 
Friday, October 29, 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

eaturing a public talk by Oleksiy Goncharenko, Member of Parliament of Ukraine. Member of the Committee on Budget. Chairman of the parliamentary caucus “Clean Energy - Healthy Environment”, Chairman of the parliamentary caucus “For Democratic Belarus”, the representative of Ukraine in PACE.
Oleksiy Gonchaneko is one of the young leaders of today’s opposition in the Ukrainian parliament. From 2015 to 2019, he was a member of the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. One of the sharp critics of President Zelensky and his party “Servant of the People.” Member of the parliamentary faction “European Solidarity.” Oleksiy Goncharenko takes an active part in the development and strengthening of Ukraine’s international position.
In-Person Attendance: Only open to members of the Yale community. Limited to 20 attendees
Zoom Attendance: Open to the Public, and Yale attendees unable to meet in-person

Oleksiy Goncharenko, Member of Parliament of Ukraine