Features & News

Frank Snowden
335 new diseases emerged between 1960 and 2004. Why weren’t we ready for this one? The following article was written by Frank Snowden, Andrew Downey Orrick Professor Emeritus of History and History...
Fabrizio Zilibotti
Governments across the globe have imposed strict lockdowns to slow the spread of COVID-19. These measures have reduced infection rates, but also triggered the most severe economic collapse since the...
Jacob Hacker
The following opinion article written by Jacob S. Hacker, a professor of political science at Yale University, and Paul Pierson, a professor of political science at the University of California at...
Students and faculty in front of the Capitolio in Havana. (Photo by Daniel Juarez)
Written by Alison Kibbe, Teaching Fellow for the 2020 History and Culture of Cuba course, a doctoral student in African-American Studies & American Studies, and a CLAIS graduate affiliate.   For...
(© stock.adobe.com)
Cox’s Bazar, a coastal city in southeast Bangladesh, is home to about 900,000 Rohingya refugees living in overcrowded camps. Like other forcibly displaced people across the globe — more than 70...
Reinaldo Funes-Monzote
Reinaldo Funes-Monzote, Professor of History at the University of Havana, has spent the past five years at Yale as the Henry Hart Rice Family Foundation Visiting Professor at the MacMillan Center’s...
EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier speaking Friday after last week’s round of EU-UK negotiations about their future relationship.
The EU and UK negotiators met again last week, via video conference, in the third week-long round in the negotiation of their future relationship. After the round concluded Friday, both sides said...
On May 12, 2020, Richard Gilder, Jr. died.  Above all Dick was a great New Yorker, an extraordinary and generous Yale University graduate, class of 1954, and a visionary citizen and lover of the...
Rohit De, an associate professor of history, has been awarded an Andrew Carnegie Fellow by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Fellows receive $200,000 in philanthropic support for high-caliber...
Members of the German Constitutional Court presenting the May 5 decision on ECB’s bond purchasing program.
Just as the European Commission was about to release its Spring Economic Forecast in which it says the European Union is entering a “historic recession” that will result, among other things, in...
Pinelopi Goldberg (Photo credit: Michael Marsland)
Two months ago, Yale economist Pinelopi Goldberg wasn’t working on anything related to global health. But like many scholars, she has recently shifted her research focus to questions bearing on the...
Thomas Thurston talks with Ellen Gruber Garvey on her project titled “Ghost Stories about the Transatlantic Slave Trade.”  (Listen) Ellen Gruber Garvey is the author of Writing with Scissors:...