Features & News

Seth Mazibuko with a group of student visitors. The young man smiling in the photograph behind him is Seth’s 17-year-old self, greeting supporters at his trial for “sedition and terrorism.”
Vilakazi Street runs through the township of Orlando West, in Soweto, South Africa. At first glance it’s not very impressive, one could walk from one end to the other in ten minutes. Yet no other...
Left to right: Arielle Baskin-Sommers, Rohit De, Adriane Steinacker, and Stefan Steinerberger
Yale College Dean Marvin Chun will host a dinner on Dec. 2 to honor the recipients of the annual Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation, created to recognize excellence in teaching. This year’s...
On Oct. 18, the Universidad de San Andrés and Yale University co-sponsored the conference, “Perspectives on Poverty and Human Development” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event was held as part of...
Catherine Panter-Brick
Catherine Panter-Brick, the newly appointed Bruce A. and Davi-Ellen Chabner Professor of Anthropology, Health, and Global Affairs, is a world-renowned expert on risk and resilience in contexts of war...
Cross-border partnering communities sharing a common water source, promoting environmental awareness & peace building. (photo credit: EcoPeace Middle East)
The conflict between Palestine and Israel seems at times completely intractable. However, Gidon Bromberg is convinced that, not only can progress toward peace be made, it can be mutually beneficial...
PSOE leader and Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias signing a preliminary agreement last Tuesday to form a coalition government.
On Nov. 10, Spanish voters went to the polls for the fourth time in the last four years and, as happened in the elections in December 2015, June 2016, and last April, no party won a majority of the...
Seated from left: Samuel Kortum, Paul Kennedy, Ian Shapiro, Jing Tsu, and Arne Westad. Frances Rosenbluth moderated the discussion from the podium.
On November 7, esteemed panelists in a packed Henry R. Luce Hall this past Thursday were tasked with answering two monumental questions: can we fix the broken global order, and if so, how? Panelists...
Throughout human history, people have enslaved others, though the intensification of such practices has varied across time and space. Historians have long recognized these basic facts of human...
Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition announces the winner of the 21st annual Frederick Douglass Book Prize. The 2019 winner of the prize is Amy...
The following article written by Carrie Zhou appeared in the Nov. 11 issue of the Yale Daily News: The Latino and Iberian Film Festival at Yale (LIFFY) will celebrate its 10th anniversary this week,...
Spanish Acting Prime Minister and Socialist party leader Pedro Sánchez celebrating yesterday’s election.
On Sunday, Spanish voters went to the polls for the fourth time in the last four years. And as happened in December 2015, June 2016, and last April, no party won a majority. The fact that elections...
David Blight, GLC Director, guiding CIC faculty members through a primary source workshop at Yale Manuscripts and Archives.
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition (GLC) at the MacMillan Center at Yale University will partner on Legacies...