Features & News

Lucas (center) with members of the Tax Authority's Research Department. The Research Department uses a state-of-the-art database of economic activity to produce insights for policy makers.
Fair trade, direct source, sustainably grown — these terms have become commonplace in our consumption of food. Behind them lies the powerful economic idea that paying a premium for goods produced...
Interview with Stephanie Avalos, Ecuador's Secretary of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment.
Thanks to the generosity of the Steven Clark Senior Essay Grant under the MacMillan Center (as well as a few other fellowships), I am currently in Ecuador conducting research for my senior thesis for...
The following article written by Meredith Shepard, a postdoctoral associate in the Council on African Studies at the MacMillan Center, appeared in Public Books on July 23, 2019: This year, Rwanda...
Rohini Pande
Rohini Pande, newly named as the Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics, is an economist whose research examines the economic costs and benefits of informal and formal institutions in the...
Visiting the market in Kigali.
Thanks to generous funding from the MacMillan Center at Yale, I had the opportunity to travel to Kigali, Rwanda, to do research for some articles I will be writing. While there, I found that there...
Ursula von der Leyen addressing the European Parliament Tuesday prior to the debate and vote on her candidacy for Commission president.
On Tuesday evening, the European Parliament approved Ursula von der Leyen, until her resignation Wednesday the minister of defense in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government, as the next...
A young woman provides a DNA sample via cheek swab. She was among a cohort of Syrian adolescents forcibly displaced by conflict to participate in a study on the effects of genetic and resilience on the mental health recovery. (Photo courtesy of the research team.)
A new study demonstrates the influence of genetic factors and resilience — the resources and capacities for overcoming adversity — on changes in levels of psychosocial stress and mental health for...
“Literature and the press in times of great political upheavals”:  this could be a title for my research on the Algerian press during the early nineties. As the 1980s turned to the 1990s, Algeria...
Daniel Bacheschi, YC 2021, at Birla Mandir in Jaipur, India.
The days are warm and short, but the experiences I am having will remain with me for the rest of my life. My days are spent learning, both within and without the classroom—Yoga and Meditation in the...
Renowned constitutional scholar Bruce Ackerman discusses his new book, Revolutionary Constitutions: Charismatic Leadership and the Rule of Law―an exploration of the origins, successes, and threats to...
Emily Sigman, MF/MA '21, exploring Saint Petersburg's bustling fruit markets.  Emily is spending the summer in Russia studying Advanced Russian with the Yale Summer Session, and conducting research on Saint Petersburg's unique, multicultural and perennial fruit markets. Behind Emily is a stand containing fruits from Central Asia. Her research aims in part to untangle the myriad ways both the fruits and the people selling them come to Saint Petersburg.
This summer, with support from the MacMillan Center and the Yale Global Food Fellowship, I am studying Russian and exploring one of Europe’s little-known gems: Saint Petersburg’s abundant summertime...
Katie Wells, Yale College 2021, Benjamin Franklin College
“So far my experience in Geneva has been amazing! I am living just outside the big city, in a quaint town called Nyon. The location of my town is really the best of both worlds, from my house you can...