Features & News

Refugees arriving in Spain after rescue in Mediterranean.
As xenophobic and eurosceptic parties registered large gains in elections throughout Western Europe in recent years, Spain appeared to be an exception, its voters apparently immunized from the...
Frontispiece from Turkish MSS suppl. 257, Kitab-i Shahidi, an undated & uncatalogued work.
In late October of 2018, Yale hosted the Sixth Biennial Symposium of the Historians of Islamic Art Association, generously supported by the MacMillan Center. The event was organized by myself and...
Thomas J. Christensen is Professor of Public and International Affairs and Director of the China and the World Program at Columbia University.
The Council on East Asian Studies recently invited Dr. Thomas J. Christensen to deliver the 59th Annual Edward H. Hume Lecture in Chinese Studies on Friday, November 9, 2018. His lecture, “China’s...
On December 3, The MacMillan Center hosted a symposium on Jonny Steinberg’s The Number: One Man’s Search for Identity in the Cape Underworld and Prison Gangs, a 2004 book exploring prison life in...
Alan Mikhail, Professor of History, has been awarded the M. Fuat Köprülü Book Prize of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association for his book,  Under Osman’s Tree: The Ottoman Empire, Egypt,...
The MacMillan Center’s Genocide Studies Program and Council on Southeast Asia Studies hosted a 3-day international conference on November 8-10, entitled “Mass Violence in Southeast Asia Since 1945”,...
 Millions of men, women and children are trapped in situations of exploitation from which they cannot escape.         Image: REUTERS/Tom Esslemont
The following article was written by Luis C. deBaca, Robina Fellow, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, & Abolition, and Anne Gallagher, President, International Catholic...
Trump would never have been the nominee if the Republican Party were stronger. There’s a paradox at the heart of American politics: Political polarization has rarely been more extreme. More than half...
The following interview is the first in a series of the European Studies Council’s Spotlight of Scholars in European, Russian or Eurasian Studies. Leonid Volkov is a Russian politician of the...
The Gilder Lehrman Center (GLC) for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale will host a book conversation...
European Council President Donald Tusk and UK Prime Minister Theresa May at yesterday’s European Council meeting.
On Sunday, the leaders of the European Union met in Brussels and, after a brief discussion, approved by consensus the 585-page withdrawal agreement negotiated by the EU 27 and the United Kingdom over...
Popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt toppled autocratic regimes during the 2011 Arab Spring, but the countries’ fates diverged after the revolutions ended. While Tunisia has established a stable...